Kyokutē by Takumi Finch

Let go of emotional weight. Release what your body still carries. Create space for lightness, clarity, and presence.

This treatment helps the body revisit stored emotion—to feel without getting stuck, to release without force, to soften what’s been held for too long.

Through gentle, precise touch, we help the skin, fascia, and nervous system release what no longer needs to be held.

Because healing doesn’t mean forgetting. It means learning to smile again, to rebuild, to truly come home to your face.

The body holds on to what the mind thought it had let go. Tension settles in quietly—and reshapes how we feel, move, and carry ourselves.

A method grounded in research

Our method is developed in collaboration with a tripartite research group bringing together the IMN, the CNRS, and the University of Bordeaux.

The benefits of this research are now at the heart of the Takumi Finch Method and are reflected in each of our treatments.

Where to experience Kyokutē

Kyokutē is not yet widely known, but already practised by a growing community of certified specialists.

To find a certified practitioner near you, search for Takumi Finch and Kyokutē in your country.