This masterclass will teach you how to work the inside and outside of the oral cavity to create relaxation and well-being. The very gentle touches and manipulations that you will learn in class will enable you to control the strength of your touch in this sensitive area and to allow a movement to open up on its own. We work on the principle that all the constituent parts of the facial bones are interdependent. Just like in clockwork gears, movements of flexion, extension and rotation have an impact on the sensation of opening or closing the oral cavity. This course will enable you to deepen your work as a masseur, fascialist, reflexologist or beautician, or as a therapist in traditional medicine. Experience of facial touch and/or subtle touch is highly desirable to follow this course. Our masterclasses are aimed at practitioners with at least 6 months’ experience in the field of massage, preferably in facial massage techniques. If you would like to take part in this course but your experience does not meet these prerequisites, please contact the Institute before enrolling.
Comprises of 8 hours of training, during 1 day of classroom sessions.
Facial specialists preferred
At least 6 months’ experience in a massage field
Aurore Pabiszak director of Naturo & Ko. Aurore is a graduate of the Institut and, after several years’ practice of our massages, has completed our training as a trainer. She is closely supported by Sandrine Takumi Finch and the Institut to ensure the same high standards of training as those offered at our other sites.
Buccal Masterclass certification will be awarded