Registration Kobido Practitioner - Oslo

Price of the training: 1980€.

Location: Hudpleieakademiet AS, Fredensborgveien 26b, 0177 Oslo, Norway

Level 1: Kobido practitioner. You will discover the typical Kobido gestures, and develop a precise sense of touch. The protocols taught will allow you to work on all areas of the face.

  • This course is organized by our certified partner Chloé Andrieu, founder of Loée Massage Education. To register, please fill in the form below and she will contact you shortly with details of registration and payment.
  • You will pay 1400€ directly to Loée Massage Education, and 580€ to the Institute for the educational pack. Chloé will tell you how to proceed once your enrolment has been confirmed.

Registration Kobido Practitioner - Oslo

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